If you are a business owner or manager who is currently in the market for a new commercial cooling system, there are some very important considerations to take into account before making any final decisions. Running a business comes with its own unique set of challenges, one of which is how to create and maintain…

Is it just us or does it seem more humid than ever before? As we got ready to head out to see clients today all it took was a few minutes loading the vans before we noticed we were covered in a light dew only partly seemed to be sweat. The air is heavy with…

When your AC suddenly goes out, it is almost always at the worst time. An unexpected and unwanted expense. It can be stressful. At All Day Air, our goal is to remove the stress and replace it with knowledge. Here are a few tips to help you know what to look for when buying a…

Before last years mess with Hurricane Irma, I think many of us Floridians had become rather complacent when it came to storms. It had been a number of years since the last one that did any real damage to the area. The amount of rain and flooding we experienced in areas of Southwest Florida was astounding….

AC systems are designed to function as intended, if something goes wrong, mechanically it cannot adjust and may begin to break down. If the Freon in the system expands more than it is supposed to it will make the coils colder than usual. Additionally, if airflow is blocked over the coils, then the evaporator coil will…

Ah, June in Florida. It is getting hot and everyone’s AC’s are now being cranked down in order to keep us cool and comfortable despite the crazy humidity. Unlike other parts of the country here in the south, especially Florida, your AC unit never really fully gets a break. It is used all year long…

If you live in Florida you know how hot it can get and how difficult it can be to stay cool. You walk out the door and a wall of heat hits you, usually especially for the months of July, August, and September. With added high humidity the only respite is the fact that nearly…

If you see your AC unit dripping you may wonder if there is an issue. Air conditioners are designed to remove moisture from the air. Part of the effect of this moisture removal is that the resultant air winds up cold, and pumping the cold, dry air throughout the house makes our living environment more…

Your HVAC system (heating and cooling) account for the majority of your electric bill. Here in Florida, we need our AC systems working full force for most of the year. That can cause us to spend quite a bit, turning over a chunk of our paychecks to FPL just to be comfortable. We would love…

Going green has become a hot search term and topic. What does it really mean? To go green means lifestyle changes that positively impact the environment. These choices are more eco-friendly allowing the environment to self-sustain for current as well as future generations. The attempt is to stop and even reverse the break down of…

When it comes down to the question of repairing or replacing your old AC unit, for most homeowners it boils down to dollars and cents. Follow these guidelines and make it easier for yourself when making this purchase decision. If you have an old system, like 10 to 15 years or older it’s nearly guaranteed…

Here in Florida for most of the year, we don’t have much choice other than to run our AC units. It’s hot and muggy and too humid to keep the windows open. So what happens when you flip that switch and peeee-yewww! Ugh, what IS that stench!? Something simply stinks! Let’s take a look at…

Central Air Systems are the traditional AC system which blows cool air to spread to the entire house as evenly as possible. Their newer cousin the Zone Control Air Conditioning system allows you to control which rooms, also known as “zones,” get how much air conditioning and when. You can set up temperature controls, and even temperature…

If you are a homeowner, the answer is a resounding yes. It needs to be viewed as a way to help protect your investment. You wouldn’t buy a new car and with no service package to go with it. Why? Because its a mechanical machine with moving parts. You run it, you use it, it…