It is difficult to get a standard temperature to spread throughout a home, especially one with a large amount of square footage.
Here is a list of a few things that can make a difference and cause that variance.
Tip # 1 Close all window coverings (shades, curtains, blinds) in rooms that receive a lot of sunlight if that room tends to become too hot in the summer. South facing rooms will receive more sunlight, so adjusting the window coverings based on your comfort level is recommended. In the winter do the opposite. If you receive direct sunshine, let it in.
Tip #2 Leaving a door or window open. This will create a temperature difference in the room when compared to the others that are sealed up. This holds especially true in the heat of summer of the cold temperatures during the winter.
Tip #3 Lack of proper seals on windows and doors. If you notice a hot or cold spot in a room, check your windows and door seals. As houses settle that settling can easily create cracks and spaces around an opening. Even the smallest space can create a large change in temperature, especially during extreme weather.
Tip #4 Check your dampeners. Dampeners are located inside of your ductwork. They are what controls the flow of air. These do need to be maintained on occasion in order to balance the control. This makes sure that one room is not receiving more heat or AC than the other rooms.
If you have a chimney, the flue’s that are not shut correctly can let cold and hot air inside.
Tip #5 Insulation can also be a factor in temperature shifts. Over time insulation does break down. If an outside wall is not properly insulated, it can allow the outside air to come inside of your home. The best advice: Consult with a professional such as All Day Air Cooling and Heating to add or replace insulation in your home.
Tip #6 Vents – Make that none of your vents that are blocked and allow for easy airflow. If something is blocking the vents, then it restricts air flow throughout the home, resulting in uneven heating/cooling.
Maintaining your air conditioner and heater are important in creating a comfortable home environment. Look to a professional company to service the a/c and heater. They will have the knowledge to keep your home temperature balanced. Contact All Day Air Cooling and Heating. We are located in Ft. Myers, Florida and we service all of Southwest Florida. Call us at (239) 357-0727 www.alldayaircooling.com.
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