The Air Conditioning system is designed to work within certain parameters in order to provide a balance of cool air to the entire house. Although the compressor unit and associated mechanics might be the most complex aspect of the system, one of the most important parts is the ductwork. Ducts need to be clean and unobstructed in order to deliver cool air to all parts of the house. However, because ducts are the largest part of the system, and because they are generally inaccessible, they can accumulate dust and debris that, over time, can build up and begin to impede the efficient working of the air conditioning system. At a certain point, you need to have them cleaned. Be on the lookout for these signs that the ducts might need to be cleaned.
Ideally, the air filter should maintain clean ductwork, but once the filter begins to get dirty, it becomes less efficient and may begin to allow more and more dust to enter into the duct system. This is one reason changing the filter frequently is important. Other things can influence how dust accumulates in the ducts, including damage to the ducts. You should be able to notice when dust has accumulated in the ducts by watching the cool air return registers when the air conditioning first turns on: if a puff of dust accompanies that startup of cool air, this is a sign that the ducts probably need to be cleaned.
Another sign is noise. In a clean and efficient system, the air should move smoothly through the ducts, and the only sound you should hear is the fan. However, as dust or debris accumulates, it can constrict or redirect the airflow, which may cause a faint whistling or humming. Damage to the ducts can also give auditory clues. Listen to your ducts every once in a while to make sure they are quiet and if you notice a change in sound quality or any kind of whistling, consider cleaning the ducts.
Air Conditioning systems are most efficient when everything is working properly and the ducts are sealed and clean. So another sign of dirty ductwork is a loss of AC efficiency. If your energy bills start to rise, or if the system seems to be working fine except one or two rooms aren’t getting as cool as they used to get, then it might be a sign that the ducts need to be cleaned.
Keeping the ducts clean is very important for maintaining the overall effectiveness and lifespan of your Air Conditioning. In addition, accumulated dust that is redistributed throughout the home can affect allergies and illness. This is why it’s important to be aware of signs that the ducts are blocked or dirty and need to be cleaned. To clean out the entire system and make sure everything is working effectively, be sure to call a professional air-conditioning service team like All Day Air Cooling and Heating. If you have any questions about your Air Conditioning system or about maintenance including duct cleaning, call today at (239) 357-0727.
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