While everyone is familiar with the air pollution that occurs outside, the average homeowner is often much less aware of the air pollution that occurs inside their very own home. If any of the following situations apply to you or anyone in your family, then it could be the sign that the air in your home is harming you and that it may be time to consider a whole home air purification system.
You feel like you are always sick or have allergies.
If you already have allergies, then you may have noticed them getting worse, particularly when you are inside your own home. If you don’t already have allergies, you may have started to develop them or other respiratory issues, or may have just noticed that you or another member of your household feels sick all the time, with no apparent rhyme or reason to it. What you may not have considered is that it is the air inside your very own home that is making you uncomfortable. When indoor air is polluted, it is full of allergens, bacteria, and mold particles, all of which can contribute to your overall physical health. Whole home air purifiers are extremely effective at eliminating these airborne particles, and can fortunately remove up to 99.98% of them.
No matter what you do your home still smells bad.
You’ve taken out the trash, washed all the dishes, changed the baby’s diaper, and wiped every surface of your house, and yet you just can’t get rid of that foul odor. If this sounds like you, then the culprit may in fact be biological contaminates that are floating in the air throughout your home. If this is the case, then the smell will never go away on its own, no matter how hard or how often you get down on your knees and scrub. When invisible mold, mildew, and bacteria particles are being circulated throughout your living space on a constant basis, the only way to effectively dispose of them and clean the air around you is with a whole home air purifier.
The air in your home just doesn’t feel fresh.
While the air in your home may not necessarily smell bad, it can still give you a general feeling of being “unfresh.” People usually describe this type of environment as stuffy or stale and describe the air around them as feeling thick or heavy. If it’s a matter of poor ventilation then the problem can oftentimes be solved simply by opening a window or door and allowing clean air from outside to flow in and unclean air from inside to flow out. If you’ve tried ventilating your house and noticed that it seems to make no difference, then your best option may be to attack the stale air through whole home filtration.
The dust in your home is so thick that you can actually see it.
If you can actually physically see dust particles and other debris floating in the air around your home, then you may have a serious problem. If your ducts have not been cleaned in a while, then the dust and debris that build up inside of them then just get circulated throughout your home the moment you turn on either your cooling or heating system. And while a thorough duct cleaning can help to clear out some of the debris, it doesn’t help you to eliminate the dust that is already circulating. For that, you would need a whole home air filtration system, which can not only clear the air currently in your home, but can make sure that similar issues don’t arise again in the future.
Whether or not you’ve experienced any of the above situations yourself, every homeowner can benefit from breathing in cleaner and more pure air. To find out more about the whole home air filtration systems offered by All Day Air Cooling & Heating, give us a call today at (239) 357-0727.