AC Fort Myers

You can feel the summer heat returning. With 90+ degree days, you can feel the heat and humidity returning as you simultaneously notice our roads clearing as the mass exodus of the snowbirds also arrives. With that influx of hot humid air, we are relying on our air conditioning systems to keep us comfortable and…

AC Fort Myers

The weather this year has been all over the place, hot and cold, on and off – very bipolar! Even so, this is Florida and the massive heat we feel during summer months are on the way It’s important to know how to properly prepare your air conditioning unit to keep it running cold even…

AC Fort Myers

Before calling a professional there are a few things you can check yourself. It doesn’t automatically mean that your air conditioning unit is broken or in need of repair. What to check first We know this sounds too elementary and self-explanatory to be the reason, but you would be surprised how often it is. Check…

breathing Fort Myers

Most people do not realize just how important indoor air quality is to their overall health and wellbeing. Particularly in humid places like Florida, indoor air quality is incredibly important and closely associated with a variety of health problems such as allergies and respiratory infections. We spend the large bulk of our time indoors, breathing…

tankless Fort Myers

Tankless water heaters have become very popular. They save space, are less hassle to install, there is an endless supply of hot water at your fingertips and have great energy efficiency ratings. When compared to traditional tank hot water heaters, what are the pros and cons and how do you decide which model style is…

Air conditioning Fort Myers

While it is always better to let the professionals handle AC maintenance, it is always beneficial to understand how things work. Air Conditioner Filters Dirty filters clog normal air flow and reduce efficiency significantly. With normal air flow obstructed, air that bypasses the filter may carry dirt directly into the evaporator coil and impair the…

AC Fort Myers

The downfall of home ownership is that when something breaks, there is no landlord or maintenance to call to come and fix it. Repairs and replacements are totally up to you. Air conditioning units are a big investment. How do you know when its time to give up on constantly repairing and actually buy a…

AC drip Fort Myers

If you have ever noticed condensation collecting on or below and air conditioning unit or vent you are not alone. This drip happens on every unit, but can be especially noticeable here in Florida’s already humid climate. Some worry that the water accumulation means their unit is broken or needs to be serviced. How to…

Air Conditioning Fort Myers

With the cooler season here in Florida we often hear that very question “Why bother with doing AC Maintenance?” The fact is that maintaining your AC unit is essential unless you want to go through a possible breakdown in the coming hotter summer months. Here in SW Florida, that can mean upwards of 100 degree…

energy efficient Fort Myers

Is your electric bill still higher than you would like it to be? With a few easy changes, you can put an end to energy waste and start saving on utility bills each month. Here are All Day Air Cooling and Heating’s top suggestions to make your home more energy efficient: #1 Install an automatic…

air quality Fort Myers

We are the cumulative product of what we put into our bodies. Usually, this is thought of in forms of food, water, vitamins, and medications but the air we breathe goes directly into our lungs and in turn, our bloodstream circulating throughout our bodies and organs. While we have no control over air pollution outside,…

The difference Fort Myers

The All Day Air Cooling & Heating is South West Florida’s premier HVAC company. Servicing residential, commercial and even new construction our team has years of combined experience in the cooling and heating industry. Our technicians are highly skilled and very personable. Your experience is very important to us as we pride ourselves on the…

Climate Control Fort Myers

Most people have a good grasp on how to adjust the thermostat to get their home to maintain a comfortable temperature but most do not know much about the unit itself. This is even more likely if it was a previous owner who installed it. The manufacturers label is usually situated on the outside component…

humid Fort Myers

Here in SW Florida, we live in the tropics. It is by nature a humid environment. To find relief, especially in the summer months, it is important to keep your air conditioning and heating units in proper working order. Air conditioners control more than just the temperature. They control the humidity levels as well. Change…

air conditioning Fort Myers

You likely haven’t given your air conditioning much thought other than if it goes on the fritz. We thought we would entertain you with a few key fun facts you likely never heard before.   Did you know?   38% of American homes have central air, 36% have window units and just 12% have no…

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