We are not used to being cold living here in Florida. It takes us off guard and sends us towards the thermostat to jack up the inside temperature. The problem is that along with the raised thermometer, a higher electric bill is also soon to follow.
Keeping your home heating costs to a minimum doesn’t have to be difficult or uncomfortable. Try some of these habits and see your bill get back in check.
Install a Smart Thermostat
Smart thermostats are part of the Internet of Things. These “things” (appliances) can be controlled with an app and a smartphone. Warm up or cool the house down before you get home.
Don’t raise the temperature quite so high
Every degree counts according to the Department of Energy. Only crank up the heat while you are active in the home. When you are asleep and tucked into your snuggly warm bed or while you are away at work leave the heat turned to off.
Your HVAC units (heating and cooling) need to be maintained regularly in order to keep warranties valid and the unit in proper working order so that they live out the projected lifespan and you get your money’s worth.
Clean Your Vents
Dust, clean and make sure nothing is blocking the vents air flow.
Use The Power of the Sun
During mid-day when the sun is shining, open the blinds and let the sunshine in. It will raise the temperature and improve mood as well.
Bundle and Blanket Up!
We have a short window here in Florida. Get out the PJ’s, sweaters, and blankets. Have a cup of coffee and enjoy the temperature drop.
Reverse Your Fans!
Flipping the directional switch turns your blades clockwise. When running at low speed it creates an updraft circulating the warm air more evenly throughout the house.
These simple ideas can add up to savings and comfortability. Give All Day Air Cooling and Heating a call today to keep your HVAC systems up and running. www.alldayaircooling.com 239-357-0727.
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