It was 36 degrees outside in Fort Myers, Florida this morning. There was ice on my windshield! This unusual cold spell is causing residents to not only turn on but crank up their rarely used heaters.
If you are like most of us, your heater has been gathering dust all spring, summer, and fall. You may get a lovely burnt smell added to your air as it begins to warm your home. But what if you flip that switch and nothing at all happens?
If your unit hasn’t been well maintained, meaning given regularly scheduled maintenance and upkeep, this could well be a possibility. That leaves you either running to the store to try and find space heaters or bundled up in blankets in the interim between the time you figure it out and the time when you can get a technician out to take a look.
If your HVAC system isn’t working at all or up to par and heating your home the way it should don’t hesitate. Please give us a call at All Day Air Cooling and Heating. We will schedule you right away and fill your home with warm cozy air. Visit us online at www.alldayaircooling.com or give us a call at 239-357-0727.
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