Though most of us remember to change the air conditioner filter from time to time, ceiling fans often go on for months at a time ignored. Over time the blades collect dust and debris from the air gathering it on the forward moving edge of the blade. It can cake up and become a gray matted fluffy mess.
Part of the problem is that while the fan is switched on, the motion tends to mask the visual view of the dust cakes. While visually unappealing to see grey edged dirty dingy fans, it also tosses more dust particles into the air lessening air quality in the home.
Cleaning your fans and being proactive about the air you breathe can help your home feel fresher and fight against allergens.
Ways to clean your ceiling fan
Use a fan duster or Swiffer Sweeper – they make dusters specifically for ceiling fans. Going slowly can help avoid simply pushing dust off the fan and into the air and onto yourself, standing below. Swiffers trap and hold the dust like magic.
Use a pillowcase – This trick works amazingly well. Cover the blade with the pillowcase and pull the case back slowly trapping the dust and dirt inside. Repeat for every blade. Once the surface dust is removed you can use a spray cleaner and paper towels if needed to remove left behind residue without it falling all over you.
The Vacuum Attachment – Many vacuums have extended reach wands intended for ceiling fan cleaning. Make sure to run the wand slowly over the length of the blades and then back again. Going too fast will knock the dust off the blades and have to be vacuumed up off the floor again.
Cleaning your fans on a regular basis helps to prevent build up making the cleaning easier. The longer it sits, the more difficult it is to get them really clean.
For more tips and tricks for fresher air to keep your home cool and breathable visit www.alldayaircooling.com.
If you are in the SW Florida area, give All Day Air Cooling and Heating a call today (239) 357-0727.
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