Does anyone in your household have allergies? Do you find yourself getting sick often? Do you have foul odors from pets, musty rooms, and cooking? These could be signs that the air in your home is not as clean as it should be. Even if your indoor air is not the main cause for allergies or sickness, it should be treated to ensure that you and your family are breathing the cleanest air possible.
Here at All Day Air Cooling and Heating, we have aligned ourselves with the best products in the industry to treat unhealthy indoor air. The technology of REME, Reflective Electro Magnetic Energy, is a revolutionary method to rid your home of air pollutants. It produces a hydro-peroxide plasma that flows through the air handler, into the ducts of your home and then into your living areas. As it runs through the air, it gathers particles together into larger clumps, making it easier for your air filter to “catch” them.
Hydro-peroxide is nature’s way of cleaning the air. It is environmentally friendly and is chemical-free. So, the REME method is perfect for those who suffer from breathing conditions and those with allergies. It kills 99% of mold, bacteria and viruses that are in your home’s air system, bringing about clean air.
Eliminating offensive odors caused by diaper pails, pets, musty laundry rooms and many other sources can give you pride in your home’s cleanliness. You can feel confident when guests visit that your home is fresh with clean air and that their stay is comfortable. And your family can breathe easy living in a clean environment.
It is recommended that a reputable HVAC company installs these types of air cleaners. All Day Air Cooling and Heating is fully licensed, bonded and has the experience to properly install REME air cleaning systems. Call us today at 239-357-0727 to schedule an appointment or visit us online for more information.
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