There are many parts to a central air conditioning system, including the ductwork, air handler, thermostat, and others, but when most people think about their air conditioner, they may think about the condenser unit that sits outside the house. In many ways, this is the heart of the system, as it is the condenser itself that is responsible for producing the cold air that is directed throughout the home. Although every piece in the system needs to be working well in order for the system as a whole to function properly, it all starts with the outside air unit. So it’s a good idea to try and keep this unit it good working order. Here are a few easy things you can do to help maintain the AC unit, none of which involve disassembling or opening up the unit.
Although outdoor AC units are designed to be weather resistant, it’s important to keep the unit clear of debris and growth. Trim down the weeds or bushes that are near the AC unit and give it enough space to allow a clear and unobstructed flow of air over the condenser coils. If there are overhanging trees, you will want to make sure any falling leaves are cleaned out of the fan and especially the sides of the unit to maintain optimal air flow. In addition, make sure you can easily walk around the unit. This will provide a rough guide for how far back to trim landscaping or overgrown grass to help maintain airflow. In addition, if you can walk around all sides of the unit, it will be easier to maintain and easier to access if it does require service.
Another consideration for the external AC unit is to reduce its exposure to direct sunlight. This is especially true in Florida, which can see so much intense sunlight. The sun can very quickly heat up the AC unit and then it must work extra to cool itself off before it can appropriately cool the air. This will cause the AC unit to work extra, which can add to wear and tear. Heat itself is often the source of wear of tear, as it is also a consequence of friction. When these things are compounded, further damage is possible. If possible, try to cover the AC unit with an awning or plant small trees that offer some kind of shade that can remove it from direct sunlight. Be sure that the solution to the direct sunlight does not itself obstruct the airflow.
Probably the most important thing you can do to maintain your AC unit is to have it regularly serviced by a professional. Although these simple steps will help, AC units are specialized machines that do require specialized maintenance. If you have any questions about AC maintenance or service, or if you’re looking for an experienced technician that can service your AC unit, be sure to contact All Day Air Cooling and Heating today: (239) 357-0727.
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