It’s Time To Replace Your Air Conditioner.
No one likes to hear this news. Homeowners and landlords alike dread the day. Yet it comes for everyone eventually. AC units are made to last ten to fifteen years tops. The fifteen is the high end given that your unit has spent its life in optimal conditions. Unfortunately, our extreme Florida weather and salty corrosive environment are less than optimal for anything made of metal no matter how well you power coat and seal it.
There is no harm in getting a second opinion from a professional. You may know its time for your old unit to go, it has either quit working entirely or it has just decided to refuse to blow out any more nice cool air for you. Either way… you are left in a hot humid home.
Give All Day Air Cooling and Heating a call if you live here in Southwest Florida. We cover Cape Coral, Fort Myers, North Fort Myers, Lehigh Acres, Bonita Springs, Estero, and even Naples. We are available 24/7 to meet your needs. We are able to examine your unit and tell you if it can be repaired or does indeed need to be replaced. Along with that, we can give you a custom quote based on your home’s needs with the best prices in the area.
Signs Your AC Needs Replacement
Your AC unit has become inefficient – If it is an older model chances are it has a low SEER rating to start with. New models start at a SEER Rating of a minimum of 13. As AC’s age, that rating starts to dwindle and the lower it goes, the more it costs you monthly in power.
Your AC is more than 10 years old – That 10-15 year window is when most units give out and as we said, Florida is not the easiest environment to survive long-term in with sun, rain, wind, and often debris hitting it during storms.
Expensive repair and frequent breakdowns – At a certain point you need to evaluate how much you are spending and need to spend in the future on repairs versus just going ahead and getting a new model. It may save you money to purchase a new unit.
Your home isn’t comfortable anymore – Your unit no longer efficiently removes humidity from the air leaving you feeling damp even when it cools down the air. That is actually half of its job to keep the humidity down and the ability to do that dwindles once the unit ages and needs repair.
If you have questions about when to replace or repair your AC unit or if you would like your system serviced to keep it in good repair, contact All Day Air Cooling and Heating today at 1-239-357-0727 today. You may also visit us online at www.alldayaircooling.com to learn more.