The prospect of needing a new air conditioner is never a welcomed one. Home ownership has lots of perks, but it also has the drawback of when something breaks, you are the one to pay to fix it.
With so many makes and models on the market, today selecting the right unit can be tricky. What is perfect for one home may not be right for another, so even asking your neighbors for advice may not be ideal. Florida homes are extra hard on air conditioning units over the years with our extra toasty summers that extend nearly year round. You need a strong and dependable model that will stay the course over time.
Thankfully, the professionals at All Day Air Cooling and Heating are here to assist you in every step of the process, saving you time, aggravation and money.
What to Look For
Choosing the right size
The certified pros at All Day Air Cooling and heating will complete a whole home evaluation and load calculation and take into consideration a number of factors which can include:
- The number of people in your home
- Square footage
- Insulation currently installed or if more needs to be added to get the maximum benefit and energy savings
Through this assessment, our techs can choose the ideal unit for your home so that it stays cool during the summers and warm in the short winter months while keeping your energy bill as low as possible for the length of the life of the unit protecting your home investment.
Fair Pricing
Sticker shock can send homeowners reeling. The thing to remember is that it is an investment in the value and comfort of your home. It isn’t a fly by night item that will depreciate. During the decision-making process, it is important to look at more than just the price tag. Do your research and shop around. All Day Air Cooling and Heating can help you choose which features and models would be the best bang for your buck and the most appropriate for your individual home.
Look at the Energy Rating
SEER ratings (Seasonal Energy Efficiency Rating) measure the efficiency of the unit. They range from 13 to the mid 20’s. The higher the number the more efficient. Systems have made major advances in the past decade. If your AC is over 10 years old it is very likely costing you money every month on your power bill that might otherwise be saved.
At All Day Air Cooling and Heating, we offer air conditioner replacement, maintenance, repair and installation services right here in the Fort Myers, Florida area. Give us a call today at 239-357-0727 or visit us online at www.alldayaircooling.com. You will be glad you did!
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