It is that time of year once again Southwest Florida. Crisp cool air has hit the state. Windows and screened indoors are opening and a brisk refreshing breeze is filling homes with fresh air. With temperatures dropping into the 50’s there is no reason to keep your air conditioning on and running.
To maintain a comfortable temperature in your home, open the windows on both sides of the house to allow for a good cross breeze. Turn on ceiling fans and leave the AC set to either fan mode or off altogether. It is time to sit back and watch your electric bill decline.
Benefits of Fresh Air
-less dust, dander and mold spores in the air
-fresh air is good for your digestion
-breathing fresh air helps regulate blood pressure though oxygenation
-fresh air can help clear your lungs
-Lessens allergens
-Improves mood
-makes the house feel fresher
This is often the time when spring cleaning happens here in Florida even though technically we are moving into winter.
On rare occasion, it becomes cold enough that turning on your heater is warranted. It’s important to note that if you haven’t used your heater all year when it is turned on again you may get a slightly smoky smell. That is usually dust being burnt off after a time of non-usage. The smell should go away in a matter of 10 – 15 minutes.
During this time maintenance is important. After your unit has been turned off for an extended time its good to get it serviced and checked as well as make sure to clear any debris off of and around your outdoor unit before turning it on to avoid damage.
If you would like your unit serviced give us a call today 239-357-0727 or visit us online at www.alldayaircooling.com.
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