With temperatures soaring past the 100-degree mark we officially declare it “AC Season” here in Florida.
Our air conditioning units work hard, cooling our entire homes square footage nearly 24 hours a day in the summer months. That is a strain on any electrical appliance. You can protect your beloved cool environment by being proactive and having preventative maintenance done on your unit.
Air conditioners are a major investment in any home ranging from $6,000 to $10,000 for a quality unit and installation. It is important to protect that investment by properly caring for your AC unit. It is also the best way to insure yourself and your family a cool comfortable home during the sweltering Florida summer.
We don’t think much about our AC units after the initial purchase and install. Once that charge is made and the installation is complete, all of us tend to set it and forget it. During that time the unit outside can collect dust, dirt, and debris while the inside can accumulate dust, dander, and in our humid climate sometimes even mold spores.
Changing the filter regularly is important, but opening up the unit for a thorough cleaning is also needed and that should be done by a professional. During service your AC tech will clear out the drain lines, remove the fan outside and clean the coils, check all pressures to make sure that your unit has adequate Freon and that your system is neither under or over charging, check and tighten all electrical connections making sure your AC is functioning the way it is supposed to, and change out the air filter.
The easiest way to ensure a cold blowing AC this season is to simply contract your service. That way the visits to maintain the unit is automatic and you do not have to think about it at all.
Give us a call 239-826-1225 or visit www.alldayaircooling.com to speak with someone about scheduling service. We look forward to working with you!
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