It has happened to all of us. You put your hand up to the vent and find out that your air conditioning is blowing hot air. Why is this happening? We have some possible reasons listed below that might help you:
- Your thermostat is not set correctly. This is the simplest reason that happens quite often. Maybe someone bumped the thermostat up to a higher temperature. Maybe the fan has been changed from “auto” to “on”, which makes the fan blow air even when the air conditioner is not running. If you find that is the problem, simply change it back using the settings on the thermostat.
- A dirty filter can cause air to become restricted. This, in turn, creates the problem of the air conditioner not blowing out cold air. Simply replace the air filter to solve this problem.
- You could have a refrigerant leak in the connections of the air conditioner. Whether a part becomes loose or it was poorly installed, refrigerant leakage can happen and it can cause you to feel warmer air blowing through your vents. Contact a professional to fix this issue since handling refrigerant can be dangerous to those not properly trained.
- Check your outdoor condenser unit and make sure there is not anything blocking the airflow. Remove any sticks, leaves, and other debris that could be affecting the functioning of the air conditioning.
- The condenser unit itself could have damage either from wear and tear, a storm, or it has outlived itself. A new unit might be the best solution at this point, but only an HVAC professional can advise you on this option.
If the simple solutions do not work, then call a professional such as All Day Air Cooling and Heating. We have highly trained technicians who can diagnose and suggest a solution. Call us today at(239) 357-0727 or fill out a form online and we will contact you.
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