As your AC unit gets older it can begin to wear out. You may be required to make repairs more and more. Eventually, the more worn an AC unit becomes, the less efficient it will be, and at a certain point it becomes more cost effective to replace the entire unit than to try and make spot repairs. Here are some tips in deciding whether your AC unit just needs repairs or needs to be replaced.
Frequent Repairs
Older AC systems often require more and more frequent repairs and parts begin to wear out. Eventually, the accumulation of these individual repairs can wind up costing quite a bit, and you’ll eventually just have to replace to AC unit anyway. When the system gets to a certain age, it’s probably better to stop putting money into repairing it and go ahead and get a new system that doesn’t require frequent repairs.
Uneven Cooling/Humidity Control
As the AC gets less efficient as it begins to wear out, you might notice that even though everything seems to be in working order certain rooms aren’t getting as cool as the rest of the house, or the house is more humid than it should be if the AC is running efficiently. Uneven cooling might be a sign that the ductwork needs to be repaired or replaced, and high humidity indicates that the AC unit isn’t doing what it’s supposed to be doing, which can often means it’s time to replace it.
Strange Noises
If you begin to notice strange noises like squealing or hissing that the AC unit didn’t used to make, it may be a sign that the unit is getting too old and inefficient and needs to be replaced. Air blowers and fans might make strange noises when they get old, as will the coils. Some of these parts can be replaced with new parts, while others might mean that you need to replace the entire unit. Any unusual noises is a sign to evaluate whether it’s time for a new AC unit. Most of the time, that decision will be based on the cost of the parts versus the cost of the new unit.
Increased Energy Bills
As the AC system gets older and less efficient, it will require more power to cool the house to the levels you desire. If you notice that your power bills are rising despite no other increased use, it might be a sign that the AC unit is working harder to cool the house than it used to work. In this case, it might be time to get a new unit and help save in energy costs.
AC Quits
A sure sign that the AC unit might need to be replaced is if it stops working when you most need it. Old units might stop working on the hottest days because they are worn out, and the double problem of the AC not working plus the extreme heat can be unbearable. If you can’t rely on your AC, it’s probably time to replace it.
Keeping your AC system well maintained is important to extending its life and retaining its efficiency as long as possible. However, even as you repair parts, eventually everything will begin to wear out. It’s important to recognize when it’s time to go ahead and get a new AC unit or revamp the entire system rather than throw money at spot repairs. If you have any questions about your AC unit and whether it’s time to replace it or if it just needs repairs, be sure to contact the experienced technicians at All Day Air Cooling & Heating at (239) 357-0727.
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