dust Fort Myers

It’s all around the house, and no matter how much time we spend trying to remove it from the places it falls, it always comes back. Common household dust is an ever-present nuisance, and actually, contains a complex mix of organic and inorganic material from sources inside and outside the home. Lurking among the tiny,…

air conditioner Fort Myers

There are very few things more frustrating and inconvenient here in Florida, especially in the summer time, then your AC suddenly going on the fritz. While it is a good idea to call a professional here are a few quick things you can try yourself before picking up the phone. Check your AC breaker in…

Repair Fort Myers

Deciding whether to repair or replace an older air conditioning unit can be a tough call. We are here to try and make that decision and little more clear and concise. While we realize it can come down to cost, sometimes tossing more money at an old unit simply isn’t the budget wise choice. When…

Mold Fort Myers

Maintaining healthy air quality in your home or office space is a top priority, so when it comes to mold and mildew, it’s important to be able to identify conditions that invite them. Mildew is a fungus that’s easily identified as a flat patch of gray or white spots on a moist, organic surface. It’s…

electric Fort Myers

If your electric bill is continually higher than the energy use projection estimates it might be your air conditioner. Even the most efficient units become less efficient if not properly installed. Government surveys have suggested that nearly 50% of all heating and cooling units have not been properly installed. This causes the systems to perform…

Black mold Fort myers

Even if you have had a UV (ultra violet) light bulb installed inside of your air handler, over time those bulbs start to dim and eventually go out. When that happens, especially here in Florida in our oh-so-humid environment mold and mildew can begin to form. In most cases – black mold which is highly…

save money

Everyone wants a lower electric bill. Here we highlight a few of the best ways to save big this summer. On average each household will spend approximately $2100 a year on their electric bill alone. That’s a pretty good chunk of change. Cutting that down can mean more to spend in other areas or even…

AC Fort Myers

With temperatures soaring past the 100-degree mark we officially declare it “AC Season” here in Florida.   Our air conditioning units work hard, cooling our entire homes square footage nearly 24 hours a day in the summer months. That is a strain on any electrical appliance. You can protect your beloved cool environment by being…

air conditioning Fort Myers

With the weather heating up and the humidity rising, it is more important than ever before that we have a well operating and properly functioning air conditioner. There is nothing worse than coming home from work on a swelteringly hot day, only to find that your air conditioner isn’t working for some reason. A lot…

allergies Fort Myers

The fact is if your AC isn’t properly serviced on a regular basis, the quality of the air you breathe in your home is being compromised. If anyone in your home smokes that risk is multiplied. Smoke residue sticks to and clogs air filtration very quickly.   As long as the air conditioning is working,…

Air conditioning Fort Myers

If you live in Florida you know that we have the rare situation where we are blessed to need to use our air conditioners pretty much year round. This means our air conditioning units require regular maintenance in order to keep it functioning properly even more so than other areas of the country. We live…

Thermostat Fort Myers

Upgrading to a programmable thermostat can save you money on your cooling bill because of the reduction of energy consumption, when used properly, can be significant. Taking a little time now to pre-program your desired settings will allow the thermostat to adjust automatically all year long without you ever having to think about it.  …

air quality Fort Myers

Most of us have a basic understanding of pollution and all the associated potential health risks that can result from regular or excessive exposure. What most people don’t really think about is the quality of the air inside their homes which is something that can be controlled.   We spend most of our times inside…

smart AC Fort Myers

With summer right around the corner, a lot of people are starting to think about the best ways to keep their homes cool and comfortable without breaking the bank. This means it is time for annual air conditioner maintenance, and it may even be time to replace an aging unit.   Most of us are…

air conditioner Fort Myers

With hot and humid days fast approaching, it’s time to take a look at your air conditioner to ensure that it is in good working order for the dog days of summer ahead. There is nothing worse than coming home to a broken air conditioner on a humid, muggy day, and prevention is most definitely…

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