You would think that AC is AC. It would work the same no matter where you lived. This is only partly true. Florida, after all, is the sunshine state. The sun, a giant gassy ball of fire, heats us up year long and that puts more of a demand on your air conditioning unit than…

A great way to see how your Air Conditioning unit is holding up is to take your power bill from last year and compare it to the same months this year in 2018. If it has taken a significant rise you may want to call your local AC company such as All Day Air Cooling…

If you are a business owner or manager who is currently in the market for a new commercial cooling system, there are some very important considerations to take into account before making any final decisions. Running a business comes with its own unique set of challenges, one of which is how to create and maintain…

Is it just us or does it seem more humid than ever before? As we got ready to head out to see clients today all it took was a few minutes loading the vans before we noticed we were covered in a light dew only partly seemed to be sweat. The air is heavy with…