There are very few things more frustrating and inconvenient here in Florida, especially in the summer time, then your AC suddenly going on the fritz. While it is a good idea to call a professional here are a few quick things you can try yourself before picking up the phone.
Check your AC breaker in your breaker box panel. Make sure it is on and hasn’t blown a fuse and need to be switched back on again. If that fixes it, but it keeps happening you will want to call an electrician.
It could be your batteries – pop the cover off of your thermostat and replace with new fresh ones to see if it makes a difference.(it may take 3-5 minutes to come back on).
If your system has a float switch, the drain line may be backed up. Once you flush the drain line out it should automatically reset itself. If it does, you are good to go. If not there is another problem.
Check your air conditioner filter. Just slide it out, if it’s caked with dust, hair, dander and other debris there is no way for the air to flow properly. It needs to be replaced. Note the size of your filter, or take it with you to the hardware store to match and replace.
If you look inside and up into the filter compartment and see ice, it means your system has frozen up. Turn the fan only on and let it run. That should thaw it. Once the ice is gone, you should be good to go.
If you have completed all of these checks and your unit is still not working properly it is time to give All Day Air Cooling and Heating a call. 239-357-0727 or visit us online www.alldayaircooling.com. Proudly serving all of Southwest Florida!
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