Before calling a professional there are a few things you can check yourself. It doesn’t automatically mean that your air conditioning unit is broken or in need of repair.
What to check first
We know this sounds too elementary and self-explanatory to be the reason, but you would be surprised how often it is. Check to see if your thermostat has accidentally been set to heat or to ON rather than cool. ON simply means that the fan is constantly blowing air through the unit and out the vents. The ON setting can help improve circulation and air quality, but it does not get cooled down before blowing out.
Is the Outside Unit Clogged Up?
Air conditioning is comprised of 2 units. Inside and outside. the outside unit can easily become clogged with leaves, dirt, and branches or even lawn mower debris.
Simply take a broom and brush it clear. Make sure bushes aren’t growing too close to it and getting into the unit as well.
Did you blow a breaker?
Even if your inside unit appears to be functioning normally, it is sometimes possible that the outside unit is on a different circuit and that could have been tripped. Check your circuit breaker box and if it is flipped, simply reset it to ON. That may fix the issue right there and then.
Other issues that could be the problem do require a professional AC service such as All Day Air Cooling & Heating include: Low freon, Refrigerant leak, Return Duct broke or disconnected, Dirty Evaporator Coil in need of cleaning or replacing.
If your AC isn’t working to its full potential call us: (239) 357-0727 or visit www.alldayaircooling.com
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