The downfall of home ownership is that when something breaks, there is no landlord or maintenance to call to come and fix it. Repairs and replacements are totally up to you.
Air conditioning units are a big investment. How do you know when its time to give up on constantly repairing and actually buy a new unit?
Here are some signals it is time to replace:
1. Your unit is more than 10 years old. Though, yes, some units last up to 15 years when well maintained, if it is often in need of repair it may end up costing you as much to keep it around.
2. Your electric bill is higher than it should be due to an inefficient unit. If your AC has a SEER rating below 13 it will save you money to install a newer better-rated air conditioner.
3. Your unit is broken down and in order to fix it, the repairs will be expensive.
You will want to weigh the costs of the repair against the costs of a new unit. It may make more sense to replace it.
5. Your air conditioner uses Freon. Freon is being phased out by the government in order to conserve energy. As a result, the costs of Freon are rising. If your air conditioner uses Freon, you’ll have to replace it eventually in order to switch over to the new refrigerant (R410A).
6. The temperature in your home won’t stabilize. This means your unit is on its way out and not capable of doing the intended job.
If you have any questions about when to replace your air conditioner, or if you’d like a cooling system serviced or installed in your home, contact All Day Air Heating & Cooling. www.alldayaircooling.com
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