Zone Control Air Conditioning systems allow you to control which rooms, or “zones,” get air conditioned air when. You can set up temperature differentials, and with sophisticated thermostats even temperature schedules for each zone. This is quite more complex than traditional central air conditioner systems that have only one thermostat, and some of these systems…

Air Conditioning units come in various sizes measured by “tons.” However, this is not based on how much they weigh, but on its ability to cool. Tonnage for an air conditioner is measured in multiples of its ability to cool 12,000 BTUs (British Thermal Units) per hour. So a 3-ton air conditioner can cool 36,000…

As your AC unit gets older it can begin to wear out. You may be required to make repairs more and more. Eventually, the more worn an AC unit becomes, the less efficient it will be, and at a certain point it becomes more cost effective to replace the entire unit than to try and…

Many modern Florida homes are built as a single story specifically to help with cooling, but if you live in an older home or if you decide to build a two-level home, you may notice that the second floor can sometimes be warmer than the first floor. In this article are a few reasons why…

The fundamental way in which an air conditioner works doesn’t change between the home, business, or vehicle, but each system must be incorporated into a slightly different environment. The primary differentiating consideration between residential and commercial air conditioning systems is size: commercial air conditioners are generally designed to service a much larger volume of air,…

It is generally recommended that you change your air-conditioner unit’s filter whenever it gets dirty. Different filters have different life spans, and every house will have a different environment for filtering. For example, people with pets may need to change the filter more often due to the accumulation of pet fur. However, whatever schedule is…

How does the air conditioner generate cool air to distribute through the house? Basically, it relies on chemistry and physics and the natural effects of a coolant passing from liquid to gas and back again. Air conditioners work by the same principles as refrigerators. There are two main components in the system, the condensing coil…

When one room is consistently colder or warmer than the other rooms in a house, it can be a sign of an unbalanced HVAC system. Ideally, an HVAC system should be arranged so that every room receives sufficient airflow to balance the temperature throughout the home. An unbalanced system will fail to provide sufficient air…

When selecting the temperature to set a thermostat, people generally want to balance personal comfort and cost, including energy costs and maintenance costs. Here are a few things to consider when making that selection. People are all different when it comes to their preferred temperature. Preferences can even be affected by such things as level…

While regular maintenance to your air conditioning system can help you get the most of its use and perhaps even extend its lifetime by many years, no air conditioning unit will last forever. When you consider all the technological advancements happening consistently in the cooling and heating industry, you most likely wouldn’t want your air…

Staying cool in the hot summer months can be a challenge, especially in Southwest Florida where summer can oftentimes seem to last all year long. And while staying cool, saving energy, and saving money all at the same time can be especially difficult in Southwest Florida, it is certainly not impossible if you consider the…

A modern central air conditioning system can cost upwards of $4000 or more, depending on the size of the home and the complexity of the layout and ducting. While the replacement of your system is surely inevitable at some point, most central air systems typically have a lifespan of around fifteen years. This lifespan can…