Here in Florida for most of the year, we don’t have much choice other than to run our AC units. It’s hot and muggy and too humid to keep the windows open. So what happens when you flip that switch and peeee-yewww! Ugh, what IS that stench!? Something simply stinks! Let’s take a look at…

These days its hard to tell if a higher price is warranted or if you are being bamboozled. Let us break down the differences for you between that higher priced filter and a standard filter. You can then decide for yourself if you want to pay the difference and if it is worth it to…

Central Air Systems are the traditional AC system which blows cool air to spread to the entire house as evenly as possible. Their newer cousin the Zone Control Air Conditioning system allows you to control which rooms, also known as “zones,” get how much air conditioning and when. You can set up temperature controls, and even temperature…

If you are a homeowner, the answer is a resounding yes. It needs to be viewed as a way to help protect your investment. You wouldn’t buy a new car and with no service package to go with it. Why? Because its a mechanical machine with moving parts. You run it, you use it, it…