As the cooler weather hits, it is time to turn off your AC and take a look at how well it has been performing. One of the most common issues, when a system is in use so consistently as it is during most of the year here in Florida, is a refrigerant leak. It works…

Here in Southwest Florida, we run our air conditioners nearly all year long. This adds up when it comes to power usage and billing. In fact, due to our heated climate AC use will often make up one of the largest energy usage charges in your entire home. If you are looking for ways to…

No one thinks of chilly temperatures when the word Florida is spoken. Beautiful hot sunny summers and tepid winters are what makes this a destination hot spot for tourists and snowbirds alike. Although truly cold weather is rare low temperatures are common at night during the winter months. Many people are more comfortable installing a heating…

It is that time of year once again Southwest Florida. Crisp cool air has hit the state. Windows and screened indoors are opening and a brisk refreshing breeze is filling homes with fresh air. With temperatures dropping into the 50’s there is no reason to keep your air conditioning on and running. To maintain a…