Have you ever wondered if your temperature setting has an effect on your health? Bacteria, viruses and other contaminants can be sucked into you’re A/C and heat system before being blown back out recirculating germs all over your home or work place. They are easily passed from one person to another. Viruses reproduce more easily…

Have you ever walked into a business or home and had a sneezing fit? Most likely it is the allergens in the air that have irritated your respiratory system. Once allergens have entered the home, it can be difficult to avoid them. Those living in that environment day-to-day might not realize that the indoor air…

Sneezy, Runny, Dizzy…no, we are not referring to the seven dwarfs from Snow White. These are symptoms of how some people feel when their indoor air quality is poor. It can become bothersome when day in and day out, your eyes, nose, and throat are irritated from particles in the air. These are the immediate…

Does anyone in your household have allergies? Do you find yourself getting sick often? Do you have foul odors from pets, musty rooms, and cooking? These could be signs that the air in your home is not as clean as it should be. Even if your indoor air is not the main cause for allergies…

There are millions of people who suffer from allergies, and many causes of allergies. Unfortunately, some of the most common allergy triggers are floating in the air of our homes. In order to remove these triggers, many people choose to install a whole-home air filtration system that can clean the air and reduce allergies. Here…

One very important component of the air conditioning system is the air filter. Its primary function is to remove particulates from the airflow to keep the workings of the air conditioner clean and efficient. It also helps keep the ducts clean, which helps keep indoor air clean and fresh. It’s very important to replace air…

People usually spend more time indoors, at home and at work, than they do outdoors, so it’s very important to make sure that the air we’re breathing when we’re inside is healthy and clean. Because of the enclosed environment indoors, there are many sources of potential contamination that could reduce the quality of the air…

It is generally recommended that you change your air-conditioner unit’s filter whenever it gets dirty. Different filters have different life spans, and every house will have a different environment for filtering. For example, people with pets may need to change the filter more often due to the accumulation of pet fur. However, whatever schedule is…