You can buy a top of the line air conditioning and heating unit, but if your insulation is old, broken down, inefficient or has been deteriorated over time by rodents, your home may be leaking all that cool or hot air you are paying to produce.
Poorly insulated homes or offices can result in much higher energy bills than are necessary. It also makes it far more difficult to control the temperature and give you a consistently comfortable environment.
There are many options when it comes to home insulation.
Fiber Glass – Comes in blanket rolls or spray. Fiberglass loose-fill insulation is made from molten glass that is spun or blown into fibers.
Thermal Reflective Insulation – reflects the heat back out/up. This is a thin barrier layer pr metal and is additional to other types of insulation used.
Styrofoam Insulation – styrofoam sheets help to block and regulate temperature.
Homasote Fiber Board – This 98% recycled green material is ideal for soundproofing insulation.
Let the experts help direct you as to what is best for your home.
If your energy bill seems high, take the easy route and call All Day Air Cooling and Heating for an inspection and money saving recommendations at (239) 357-0727 or fill out a form online and we will contact you. We service residents in southwest Florida including Cape Coral, Fort Myers, Naples, and surrounding areas.
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