Black mold is a problem in Florida and other areas with humid environments. The health issues that can arise from exposure to black mold or even other varieties of mold can be mistakenly misdiagnosed as fibromyalgia, Lyme’s Disease, Lupus, MS, Colds, Allergies or Flu. The easiest way to deal with mold is not to allow…

With so many commercial chemical air fresheners on the market today, wouldn’t it be nice to be able to scent your home naturally? If you have a central or even a window air conditioning unit you know that there is a fiber filter within the unit that has to be changed out and replaced every…

You can buy a top of the line air conditioning and heating unit, but if your insulation is old, broken down, inefficient or has been deteriorated over time by rodents, your home may be leaking all that cool or hot air you are paying to produce. Poorly insulated homes or offices can result in much…

Have you ever wondered if your temperature setting has an effect on your health? Bacteria, viruses and other contaminants can be sucked into you’re A/C and heat system before being blown back out recirculating germs all over your home or work place. They are easily passed from one person to another. Viruses reproduce more easily…