We have written about the importance of maintaining your air conditioner over the past years. But, you might be wondering what exactly is included in a maintenance plan from All Day Air Cooling and Heating. We will list it out here for you to view: We will replace dirty filters. This ensures that the air…

Do you remember when hot, summer nights were just that? Hot! We know it’s hard to think of our living out lives here in southwest Florida without a way to cool the air. As most of you know, air conditioning hasn’t always been available for homes, businesses, and churches. So, how did the people who…

Yes, we understand, there is nothing like being out in the sweltering heat of southwest Florida’s summer and then walking into a really, really cold room. We get it. But, it actually is not a good choice to set your thermostat too low. And here is why: Your air conditioning will only cool at one…

Sneezy, Runny, Dizzy…no, we are not referring to the seven dwarfs from Snow White. These are symptoms of how some people feel when their indoor air quality is poor. It can become bothersome when day in and day out, your eyes, nose, and throat are irritated from particles in the air. These are the immediate…