It’s all around the house, and no matter how much time we spend trying to remove it from the places it falls, it always comes back. Common household dust is an ever-present nuisance, and actually, contains a complex mix of organic and inorganic material from sources inside and outside the home. Lurking among the tiny,…

There are very few things more frustrating and inconvenient here in Florida, especially in the summer time, then your AC suddenly going on the fritz. While it is a good idea to call a professional here are a few quick things you can try yourself before picking up the phone. Check your AC breaker in…

Deciding whether to repair or replace an older air conditioning unit can be a tough call. We are here to try and make that decision and little more clear and concise. While we realize it can come down to cost, sometimes tossing more money at an old unit simply isn’t the budget wise choice. When…

Maintaining healthy air quality in your home or office space is a top priority, so when it comes to mold and mildew, it’s important to be able to identify conditions that invite them. Mildew is a fungus that’s easily identified as a flat patch of gray or white spots on a moist, organic surface. It’s…