Does anyone in your household have allergies? Do you find yourself getting sick often? Do you have foul odors from pets, musty rooms, and cooking? These could be signs that the air in your home is not as clean as it should be. Even if your indoor air is not the main cause for allergies…

Technology is always moving towards bigger and better ways to affect our lives. This includes the controls for your home’s thermostat. If you still manually change the temperature on your thermostat you will be surprised to know that there are more convenient ways to make those changes. When using a programmable thermostat, you are able…

In southwest Florida, many of us live in air conditioned air year round. The moment you get into your car, you turn on the a/c right away. This is because we live in a sub-tropical climate and with the intense heat and humidity, we need to keep cool in order to stay comfortable and safe….

Congratulations! You have decided to build a new custom home here in southwest Florida. You will be faced with many choices. From the lot location, the house layout, the colors and finishes that will be installed, and your central air system. Ensuring that you get the proper air conditioning unit and that you hire professional…